Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am a flaming Moltres!

Yes, you got me I am a pokemon fan. This past weekend I watched a ton of old episodes, You know what I learned, when you are a kid you are less cynical, everything works just fine. Remember watching these shows, and everything made sense, no problems with their logic, team rocket basting off was funny?
Watch them now, you start to realize just how many suggestive things they say, all the time. My title just made me laugh, a close second for funniest was "The last time I saw this many strange letters was after I posted a personal ad". You start to wonder why team rocket isn't ever hurt after falling an ungodly distance and crashing into the ground at terminal velocity. When they aren't using it where the hell is their hot air balloon?Why don't they use it to go over the mountain? Why don't they quit team rocket and start a business, they'd probably have better luck.
You ask yourself how so many characters can be so dense and still be alive. And how the adept characters in the series are always foiled by the less than brilliant opponents they are set against.
I love pokemon to this day, but as an adult I no longer can take it as a whimsical world where logic here fails every once in a while and accept it for what it is, and what it used to be for me, a kids TV show.

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